36 Image Types
Delve deep into the realms of image, nature and archetypes, guiding you to a profound understanding of your true self
Women have always had a role to play. But today’s women are often generalized through stereotypes.
In ancient times, women were referred to by the role they played in the tribe. This role was based on their unique qualities identified at a young age and reinforced and nurtured as they developed into women.
Reconnect to your true role - your original image - as represented by the divine feminine.
All women are crucial contributors to our society. We form a circle of life that nurtures and nourishes our tribes – our families, our communities and society
What divine feminine part do you play?

The Image Timeline
The development of your self-image and the self-constructs that shaped who you are as a woman, the consequential choices you make, and how you present yourself to the world.
The 36 Image Types
36 Archetypal models that reflect different aspects of the feminine psyche. One will fit you and show you how to live to connect to your role and the true image intended for you.
The process (developed by Carl Jung) of integrating all aspects of the self to become a whole and true self. Some refer to this as the hero(ine's) journey.
Higher Mental Plane
The lower emotional plane versus the higher mental plane - the reinforcing of self-beliefs and attachments OR the ability to live according to your higher ideal and connect to the divine feminine.
The Image Profile
Your Feminine Archetype and Profile which identifies your core feminine blueprint - your psychology, physicality, and presence, and presents your key features and how you fit within the divine feminine.


Image Profiler & Intuitive
Sarah Engen (formerly Whittaker), founder of Image Profiling, has been an image expert for over 20 years helping clients see themselves in their true light. She created the '36 Image Types' system that helps women understand their personal image and identity, and established a reputation in London and Europe for her work.
After moving to the US in 2004, she launched virtual consults for clients far and wide. Her highly personalized consults integrate the divine feminine with her archetypal system to help women express their true selves.